We put at your disposal promotional information of the video game Falling Rocks that you can use freely in any type of media to comment on the video game.


  • Documento PDF Falling Rocks Game Brand Manual (Spanish)

Clasic Logo:

Falling Rocks logo in high quality PNG format (512px and 600dpi)

Falling Rocks logo in PNG format at 512px

Falling Rocks logo in SVG format at 512px

Logo in PNG (Transparent Background):

Falling Rocks transparent logo in high quality PNG format (512px and 600dpi)

Falling Rocks transparent logo in PNG format at 512px

Falling Rocks transparent logo in SVG format at 512px

Horizontal Logo:

Falling Rocks horizontal logo in high quality PNG format (180px high and 600dpi)

Falling Rocks Horizontal Logo in PNG format at 180px high

Falling Rocks logo SVG format

Flat Logo - (Color Variants):

Falling Rocks icon in high quality PNG format (512px and 600dpi)

Falling Rocks icon in SVG format in 512px

Falling Rocks icon in high quality PNG format (180px and 600dpi)

Falling Rocks icon in SVG format in 180px

Starting Screen


Hannan stage

Kay stage

Uku stage

New record screen

Achievement screen

Game statistics screen
